Presentation Frustrations: The Battle of the Fonts


The right typeface (font) can either elevate or cheapen your design. And I can’t tell you how many battles I’ve fought not to use Arial or some system font. The main issue is not knowing what kind of set up you’re going to have when you present somewhere. Oftentimes, you have to email your presentation to the AV person or bring it on a jump drive to plug into the conference room. So if you have a special font that they have to download in addition to the presentation, it makes it that more complicated.

But now that everyone has shifted into presenting virtually, you have a lot more control over your font choice. With that, I’ve compiled a list of my favorite free and affordable typefaces that will really elevate your design and make you look more expensive!

Available free on Google Fonts.

Available free on Google Fonts.


Available free on Google Fonts.

Available free on Google Fonts.


Starting at $30, (This site is Futura PT)

Starting at $30,
(This site is Futura PT)


Starting at $26,

Starting at $26,


Starting at $35, (You may have this already.)

Starting at $35,
(You may have this already.)


Nominee for the awwwards. Regular version is free on Atipofoundry. (Entire font family is pay what you wish.)

Nominee for the awwwards. Regular version is free on Atipofoundry. (Entire font family is pay what you wish.)


For more premium typefaces, I recommend Happy creating!


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