Bring Back the Cubicle: 4 Inspiring Designs

Because of COVID, gone are the days when we can function in an open office space - and that’s a good thing. I can’t tell you how many New York offices I’ve worked in and out of that made me feel like I had no privacy. As a freelancer, I would often find any space that would allow me to think - oftentimes, sitting in the couch area where most employees would eat their lunch. And that worked for me just fine. But I really felt for the employees who were jammed into tight spaces with four other people. Or just had an open desk with no walls. In my opinion, the idea of an open space work environment has nothing to do with valuing employees and everything to do with saving money. And that’s not okay. (Harvard Business Review talks about just that.)

Though a relatively small area, a cubicle should help employees feel at home and give them the freedom to design it anyway they want. Especially if you are asking them to devote 8 hours of their day to you.

Here are a few innovative cubicle designs I’m most inspired by at the moment:

Paravan by Arper

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